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Technology, Science & Business

With a focus on non-fed species, Connecticut-based startup is spreading its model for polyculture

A Land Grab for Salmon (and Shrimp) in Upstate New York

At Hudson Valley Fish Farms, in tanks where tilapia once swam, a new owner and new species have taken over.

American Unagi brings eel farming back ‘home’

Maine startup aims to shorten the sea-to-plate cycle for Anguilla rostrata.

(Read it at the GAA or via PDF)

The Price of Life

Harvard Law clinic takes on Medicaid and Hepatitis C. Offers Digital Replacements for Paper Punchcards

A Vaccine for Plants

Pesticides, a necessary evil for protecting crops, have toxic consequences, and genetically modified foods are as welcome in some quarters as the plague.

Lease, seed and repeat: GreenWave’s replicable aquaculture

With a focus on non-fed species, Connecticut-based startup is spreading its model for polyculture.

10 Ways to Choose a Money Manager

Expert advice for choosing a financial adviser in uncertain times.

Sniffing Out the Stimulus

Onvia makes good on making government spending transparent.

From Eggs to "I Do"

A century-old family farm looks to outside leadership and new business ventures in the modern age.

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