As a freelance writer and editor I specialize in wine, travel, lifestyle, outdoor adventure, food, and science and technology as it impacts real life. I have contributed to such publications as Virtuoso Life, The Clever Root, AAA Journey, Sunset, Wired, Alaska Airlines, Seattle Met and more.
Whether I am writing about wine, travel, or a backcountry adventures, much of my work revolves around sense of place. I credit this to a childhood spent among lakes and dunes, woods and snow in Michigan, and formative years spent studying creative writing at Interlochen Arts Academy. That passion for place was also at the core of my master's thesis at Rainier Writing Workshop at Pacific Lutheran University.
And, it's at the heart of my studies now. After 17 years in Seattle I recently made my way across country, working as I went. In addition to working as a journalist, I am currently writing So I Gather, a book (and its corresponding blog) on foraging the U.S. from coast to coast .
When not on assignment I can be found foraging for mushrooms, snowboarding, working with Wounded Warriors, or concocting something in the kitchen.